

Chips for a sustainable electrified future

BelGaN aims to lead as a 200mm automotive-qualified GaN semiconductor foundry in Belgium, part of Europe's "GaN Valleyᵀᴹ" ecosystem.




100 - 500




Westerring 15 9700 Oudenaarde, België


Automobiel Metaal Productie

It is BelGaN’s ambition to be a leading 200mm automotive-qualified GaN (Gallium-Nitride) semiconductor open foundry in Belgium, at the heart of the “GaN Valleyᵀᴹ” ecosystem in Europe.

BelGaN is innovating, developing, and producing a roadmap of state-of-the-art and novel GaN technologies to build GaN chips for a sustainable electrified future. Founded in 2023, BelGaN has developed and qualified its first generation 650V emode GaN platform technology, and is currently sampling multiple customers and ramping-up production. Furthermore, recently also the 2nd generation 650V emode GaN platform is released for customer sampling, and several R&D programs are ongoing on next generation GaN technologies. In all this, BelGaN closely cooperates with a network of R&D and supply chain partners, and leading customers.

Early 2023 BelGaN also launched GaN Valleyᵀᴹ, a European-based ecosystem connecting universities & companies that are active along the GaN value chain, energizing a faster adoption of innovation and accelerating the scale-up of a Ga-based industry in Europe. Today, GaN Valleyᵀᴹ already counts over 55 members and is growing fast.

​The BelGaN site in Oudenaarde employs 450 people.

BelGaN biedt je een boeiende job aan binnen de innovatieve en fascinerende wereld van micro-electronica. 

We bieden je een fulltime contract van onbepaalde duur. 

Je pakket omvat onder meer een competitief salaris met maaltijdcheques, eco-cheques, bedrijfswagen, laptop, smartphone en abonnement, hospitalisatie-, pensioen-, en invaliditeitsverzekering.

Je hebt flexibele arbeidsuren met de mogelijkheid tot thuiswerk.

Sollicitatie gesprekken gaan onsite door of via Teams. We trachten op 1 moment verschillende interviews in te boeken.

Door aandacht te schenken aan doorgroeimogelijkheden en te investeren in talentontwikkeling, geven we onze medewerkers de kans om professioneel volledig open te bloeien en maximaal voldoening te halen uit hun job.